Brachial plexus nerve transfers are referred to in this section as procedures utilized to treat brachial plexus injuries. Injuries to the brachial plexus have been separated into two categories: upper plexus injuries (C5, C6) and lower plexus injuries (C7, C8/T1). A common upper plexus injury is paralysis of the shoulder and elbow due to an upper trunk C5-C6 injury, also known as Erb’s palsy. Lower plexus injuries are associated with paralysis of the forearm, wrist, and/or hand due to middle trunk C7 and/or lower trunk C8-T1 injury. A combination of nerve transfers exists for these injury profiles. While there are common injury patterns to the brachial plexus, not all brachial plexus injuries are the same. Nerve transfers that are used for other brachial plexus injuries can be found in the Other Plexus Injuries section.
Procedures – Brachial Plexus Reconstruction
Upper Plexus Injury (C5,C6)
Title: Medial Triceps Branch to Axillary Nerve Transfer.
Published: 5/9/2011, Updated: 5/9/2011.
Author(s): Susan E. Mackinnon MD, Andrew Yee BS.
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
Figure 1 – Incision Description for Exposure. A longitudinal incision is marked on the posterior aspect of the upper arm between the long and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscles to the posterior border of the deltoid muscle. The incision continues superiorly and “hockey-sticked” under the free edge of the deltoid muscle. The patient is prone.
Figure 2 – Incision Description for Exposure. A longitudinal incision is marked on the posterior aspect of the upper arm between the long and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscles to the posterior border of the deltoid muscle. The incision continues superiorly and “hockey-sticked” under the free edge of the deltoid muscle. The patient is prone.
Figure 3 – Axillary Nerve Anatomy. (A) The axillary nerve includes two deltoid branches, one teres minor branch, and one superior lateral cutaneous branch. (B) When mobilizing this nerve for transfer, the axillary nerve is transected proximally to include the two deltoid branches and the teres minor branch. This will also reduce the surface area of the axillary nerve as they come together for the nerve transfer. The superior lateral cutaneous branch is always found on the inferior and superficial aspect of the radial nerve as it courses to innervate the superior lateral aspect of the arm.
Figure 4 – Radial Nerve Anatomy and the Triceps Nerve Branches. (A) The medial triceps branch (donor green) is identified superficial and medial to the radial nerve. With this posterior perspective, the medial triceps branch is seen as superficial. The long triceps branch is identified medial and the lateral triceps branch is identified lateral to the radial nerve. (B) The intrafascicular radial nerve anatomy is finger extensors, wrist extensors, and the sensory component from medial to lateral in the radial nerve respectively.
Figure 5 – Medial Triceps Branch to Axillary Nerve Transfer. (A) The axillary nerve (recipient) originates from the quadrangular space to innervate the deltoid and teres minor and the superior lateral cutaneous aspect of the arm. The medial triceps nerve branch (donor) and adjacent long and lateral triceps nerve branches, and the radial nerve originate deep (prone perspective) to the teres major. The donor medial triceps branch is identified superficial to the radial nerve. To mobilize the donor nerve and attain sufficient surface area for transfer, the medial triceps branch is transected distally to its branching point. (B) The donor medial triceps branch is transposed superiorly to innervate the recipient axillary nerve. The recipient axillary nerve includes the deltoid and teres minor branches, but excludes the sensory superior lateral cutaneous nerve which is neurolyzed away.
Figure 6 –Sensory Component of Radial to Superior Lateral Cutaneous Branch End-to-side Nerve Transfer. Figure 6 – (A) To provide rudimentary sensation to the superior lateral aspect of the arm, the recipient superior lateral cutaneous branch of the axillary nerve is transferred end-to-side (ETS) to the sensory component of the radial nerve through an epineural window. (B) The superior lateral cutaneous branch (red) is ETS transferred to the sensory component (green) of the radial nerve. (C) The sensory component is found on the lateral aspect of the radial nerve and lateral to the finger and wrist extensor components.
Figure 7 – Medial Triceps Branch to Axillary Nerve Transfer and the Sensory Component of Radial to Superior Lateral Cutaneous End-to-side Nerve Transfer. The medial triceps branch is transferred to the axillary nerve by an end-to-end coaptation. The superior lateral cutaneous branch of the axillary nerve is end-to-side transferred to the sensory component of the radial nerve.

Title: Double Fascicular Nerve Transfer – Median/Ulnar Fascicles to Biceps/Brachialis Branches.
Published: 4/11/2011, Updated: 4/11/2011.
Author(s): Susan E. Mackinnon MD, Andrew Yee BS.
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
The double fascicular transfer is the choice nerve transfer of our institution for musculocutaneous nerve palsies. In cases that involve an unusual direct injury to the musculocutaneous nerve and a site of injury close to target, a direct nerve repair or nerve graft is the more appropriate surgical intervention. The double fascicular transfer utilizes nerve fascicules to the flexor digitorum superficialis/flexor carpi radialis of the median nerve and the flexor carpi ulnaris of the ulnar nerve to reinnervate the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. This procedure was established by the senior author as a modification of the single fascicular Oberlin transfer to include the brachialis muscle as a target for reinnervation in addition to the biceps brachii muscle. At our institution, the double fascicular transfer has proven to be an excellent procedure for recovering musculocutaneous nerve function by utilizing two donor nerve fascicles, flexor digitorum superficialis/flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris, to reinnervate two targets, biceps brachii and brachialis.
Figure 1 – Identifying Locations of Neurolysis on the Median and Ulnar Nerve By first isolating the recipient biceps brachii and brachialis branches, the branches can be mobilized to determine the appropriate donor nerves and the locations of neurolysis for a tension-free repair . This image demonstrates median nerve (flexor digitorum superficialis/flexor carpi radialis fascicle) as an appropriate donor nerve for biceps brachii, and the ulnar nerve (flexor carpi ulnaris fascicle) for brachialis. This step will prevent unnecessary intraneurolysis when isolating the donor fascicles. Superficial cutaneous nerves are protected to reach this exposure.
Figure 2 – Isolating the Donor Median and Ulnar Nerve Fascicles. The flexor digitorum superficialis / flexor carpi radialis (FDS/FCR) fascicle is found on the ulnar aspect of the median nerve. The flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) fascicle is found on the radial aspect of the ulnar nerve. Intraoperative stimulation is used to confirm the appropriate donor nerve function, as well as the remaining intact median and ulnar nerve function.
Figure 3 – Double Fascicle Nerve Transfer. The double fascicular nerve transfer restores elbow flexion by reinnervating both the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. The flexor digitorum superificalis / flexor carpi radialis (FDS/FCR) fascicle of the median nerve is used to reinnervate the biceps brachii. The flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) fascicle of ulnar nerve is used to reinnervate the brachialis. The donor nerves may reinnervate either recipient nerve for a tension-free repair.

Lower Plexus Injury (C7,C8/T1)
Other Plexus Injuries
Title: Pectoral Fascicle to Spinal Accessory Nerve Transfer
Published: 12/16/2011, Updated: 12/16/2011.
Author(s): Lawrence Zieske BA, Andrew Yee BS, Susan E. Mackinnon MD.
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
Figure 1 – Orientation for pectoral fascicle of middle trunk to spinal accessory nerve transfer. The supraclavicular incision is marked from the lateral border of the sternocleidomastoid to the trapezius muscle. The lateral border of the sternocleidomastoid is marked.
Figure 2 – Dividing the anterior free border of the trapezius for identification of the spinal accessory nerve. The free edge of the trapezius muscle is identified deep to the platysma muscle. Through the platysma muscle, the supraclavicular nerves are identified and protected. This free edge is divided to reflect a short portion of the trapezius to expose the spinal accessory nerve which is immediately adjacent to the trapezius muscle.
Figure 3 – Identifying the spinal accessory nerve. The spinal accessory nerve is intimate to the undersurface of the trapezius muscle. The released edge of the trapezius muscle is reflected posteriorly to facilitate easier identification of the accessory nerve.
Figure 4 – Identifying the middle trunk of the brachial plexus. In this exposure, the brachial plexus is located deep to the divided omohyoid muscle. The brachial plexus is located lateral to the anterior scalene muscle. The suprascapular nerve is identified as it branches from the upper trunk. Deep to the upper trunk, the middle trunk is identified. During this exposure, the long thoracic nerve is identified lateral to the middle scalene and protected.
Figure 5 – Identifying the donor pectoral fascicles of the middle trunk. (A) The pectoral fascicular group is identified on the anterior surface of the middle trunk and innervates the pectoralis major through the lateral pectoral nerve. Two pectoral fascicles are commonly found. Note the upper trunk is retracted medially. (B) The micro forceps delineate the pectoral fascicle on the anterior surface of the middle trunk.
Figure 6 – Selecting the donor fascicle from the pectoral fascicular group. Two fascicles to the pectoralis major are identified on the anterior surface of the middle trunk. These fascicles are confirmed with stimulation, and the fascicle that elicits a stronger response is selected for the donor nerve for transfer. A length of two centimeters will be dissected for the nerve transfer.
Figure 7 – Neurolyzing the donor pectoral fascicle to transfer to the recipient spinal accessory nerve. A length of at least two centimeters of the donor fascicle is dissected distally. Posterior/medial to the pectoral fascicles is the fascicle to the triceps brachii, which can be confirmed by electrical stimulation.
Figure 8 – Pectoral fascicle of middle trunk to the spinal accessory nerve transfer. The nerves in this transfer are neurolyzed to sufficient length so as to avoid any tension by dividing the donor pectoral fascicle distally and the recipient spinal accessory nerve proximally.