Abductor Digiti Minimi (ADM)OVERVIEW
Other Name: Abductor digiti quinti (ADQ). Key Points:
Muscle Function:
Palpation: Palpate ulnar aspect of hypothenar muscles while resisting small finger abduction.
Strength Testing: Position ““ the palmar side up. Stabilize ““ the hand. Resist ““ the small finger abduction (in the direction of adduction).
Possible Substitutions: Extensor digiti minimi ““ keep the small finger in neutral to prevent substitution and in respect to flexion and extension. Avoid small finger extension.
Relevant Anatomy:
Origin: Distal pisiform, flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, and connective tissue lying between hook of hamate and pisiform.
Insertion: Splits into two tendon slips going to proximal phalanx base (at ulnar tubercle) of small finger, and ulnar aspect of extensor hood of small finger.